Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sony ericsson w810i - How can i transfer music from file manager song to playlist?

I have a phone sony ericsson w810i - i did try to transfer music from file manager %26gt; song (folder) to walkman %26gt; playlist but there is no way i can do tat. Then from walkman %26gt; playlist to add music - i can't find the file manager %26gt; song (folder) to add song. Would anyone help me?

Then how do i selected all e song %26amp; play automatically from file manager %26gt; song (folder)? From walkman it can be done why file manager %26gt; song (folder) i can't?

Y i can't control e song from file manager %26gt; song (folder) rewind or forward or pause e song? From walkman y i can't rewind or forward e song?

From e radio built-in FM radio - I try to record went i am out of e radio i click record e song %26amp; it didn't record? How do i record song which i want from radio?

How do i increase voice stereo for a louder sound then from this phone? The MegaBass the loudest is not good enough.

How do i deleted e protected ringtone like e greeting, song ericsson? I try to delete but i can't - tell me how?|||;lc=en%26amp;ver=4001%26amp;template=ps1_1_2_2_1%26amp;zone=ps%26amp;lm=ps1_1%26amp;pid=10376%26amp;fid=23995%26amp;esi=true

Everything you need to know about your handset. The SE w810i is a great phone. The whole SE family is of great quality. Good luck.|||i have the exact same phone w810i black. you can download music/pictures either by putting the memory card in a printer or download disc2phone. you can download form internet for free

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|||i dun really no i dun own tis hp sorry but hmmm but tell u u shl check every folder for it and it might be there that how i do to my hp too haha and actually for the sound u can go manually and make the sound louder u got to fig it out like a new toy cos i cant say it or describe it here

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