Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do I upload a video from my digital sony cybershot camera (8.1 mgpx) to youtube?

I've recorded video on my sony cybershot digital camera and tired uploading them to youtube, but it's not working. I have another KODAK camera and uploaded videos from there to youtube, but some how I'm unable to with sony.

I'm wondering if theres a different setting I should set the camera to, or maybe adjust something so that I'm able to upload videos onto youtube.

Thanks in advance!|||YouTube accepts a number of different file formats. I'm quite sure that Sony cameras use the Mpeg 1 video codec, but I'm not entirely sure if it's a compatible format for Youtube. The Youtube help link (below) might offer you some more insight.

Also, make sure your video is no more than 10 minutes in length or no larger than 100MB in size. If it is larger than 100MB (which it easily could be), then you should use Moviemaker or another program to convert/resize it to a more acceptable size and/or format.

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