Thursday, September 15, 2011

How much does sony charge to fix your PS3 yellow light of death without warranty?

If it's not expensive, I wanna send it to sony and get it fixed.|||I honestly dont know... but the site that helped me fix mine was as below... I learned some quick fixes with a cheap ebook that taught me how to fix it myself... cost me about $20 but I would pay sony much more...Hope this helps!|||From what I read, it's $150 to service it. But check this, I just happened to do this last night; I filled out the service form for repairs. Before it was complete, sony offered me to trade in my fat 60GB PS3 for a 120 Slim for $150. So instead of repairing mine, I just took advantage of the slim offer.

So if you have a fat PS, you might want to consider the offer.|||Google it.

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