Thursday, September 15, 2011

How do I save Sony Vegas clips to my computer?

Ok does anyone know how to save clips that you cut and want to keep for the future??

Oh and its Sony Vegas pro 10 if that makes any difference.

Thanks.|||You must go to File %26gt;%26gt; Render As. Then, a window will open and you can select the video format and the place to save the video.

Please visit for tutorials and more:

(Change the language in the website footer)|||Aunsoft Video Converter helps you convert between various formats. It is the must-have conversion tool for video lovers, and enables you to enjoy movies on computer, to further edit video for creation, to present video on HDTV, and to publish video online in web-friendly format. You can control your video and music on popular portable devices including iPad, Nexus One, HTC Hero, Zune, iPod, PSP, Apple TV, iPhone anytime anywhere.

With this powerful converter, you can also convert videos for video editing software like Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, and upload video to YouTube and MySpace to share videos.|||wrong categoryyy~

but just go to File and Render As. Then save it to wherever you want.

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