Saturday, October 1, 2011

Is Sony going to continue bitching instead of adding good features to the PS3?

Sony's new hobby seems to be suing, that is, anyone and everyone that leaks or unlocks their system (PS3), it's ridiculous they should be releasing great software apps for PS3 but instead, they're suing hackers and whatnot.. Lame!

Come on Sony!|||Well, I don't think Sony's bitching. All they're doing is protecting what's theirs. Think of it like if you were in school, taking a big test, and just when you finish it some kid takes it from you and puts their name on it and hands it in. Would you be a ***** to tell the teacher? Well, this is essentially the same thing. Hackers are taking the Playstation 3, making minor changes and getting stuff for free. The difference is that instead of losing a grade, these hackers run the risk of costing Sony millions of dollars in software sales. At the heart of the matter, Sony is a business, and they have to protect what's theirs first and foremost.

Secondly, no matter how many people they sue, it won't affect the quality or quantity of what they put out on their systems. The legal arm of the company is a completely separate entity from the development branch. What the lawyers do doesn't change how the developers do their job. They have very little to do with each other. After all, it's not like the company's lawyers do their legal paperwork for the day and then decide to just up and work on some incredibly complicated computer coding projects.

Maybe its true that sony is suffering a little bit in the development department, but it has nothing to do with suing hackers.|||i think its great,they should be teaching these people that just want to hack any system to get free stuff a lesson.these hackers are not helping the price of games and systems by doing this,it just raises the prices because now they have to spend more time and effort to stop these people.unfortunately its a constant battle because every time they stop someone,someone else figures out another way to do it and so on and so on.i don't think its right that i should have to pay for some thing while some one else can hack it for free,do you?hope this helps.|||great software apps for a console that connects to your TV...why would you want that...they could support something opensource...

but otherwise wouldnt you just use the pc

and is doing quite a bit isnt it to ensure that people are up to date...

it is a pretty good console actually...i think the next gen should last for the next 8 years but then thats my thinking|||Probably. Bitching is cheaper than development.

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