Saturday, October 1, 2011

How do I change my settings to black and white on my sony camera?

I have a Sony Cyber-shot, and I have no idea how to change my settings to black and white. I know there must be a way to do it, because in the guide it says you can, but I just can't figure it out!!!


Thanks!|||If you can't figure it out, and Im assuming it is a digital camera...don't worry about it... Most picture programs that you will use on the computer can turn them into Sepia, Black and White..adjust the brightness, take out red eye, crop, enlarge etc; You can do this to your pics after you download and store them, or before you store them. I usually wait until after I store them to change to any B/W, cause occassionaly I want to go back and see the full color of a B/W shot.. Good Luck|||Perhaps this is a good thing ... the algorithms that do this in your camera are designed by guys with pocket protectors who may or may not have a good background in photography (shooting, developing and printing in black and white). My feeling is you may want more control over the results.

You can do what the pros do:

Open the colour image in your photo program:

Use the saturation tool on your photo program and set it to -100:

Then use the level tool to set the black threshold, white threshold and mid-tone until you have exactly what YOU want.:

Remember to save the modified file with a new name so you don't overwrite your original image.

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